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Journals Administrative Handbook: Email & Network

Account and Document Access

Because membership on the editorial board changes every year, the Library and IT ( provide tools and assistance to ensure that the journals’ data is secure, accessible, and current.

  • Board materials, article edits, and source & cite documents should be stored and archived on the journal's network drive which is accessible remotely using OneDrive.
    • Do not save documents to the journal computer's C drive, the drive is frequently wiped and your documents will be lost.
    • Access to OneDrive accounts continues for three months after graduation. 
    • For assistance with OneDrive contact IT.
  • Each summer, the EICs must provide IT with a list of the current editorial board, staff members, faculty advisor, and faculty adjunct so that the email lists and network file permissions can be updated.  Additionally, the mastheads on the journal’s website will need to be updated and the previous year’s information archived.

NMLR Email Addresses


Email Address


Submissions Editor

Library Director/designate and support staff



The gmail account,, handles Scholastica submissions and is for editor communications with authors.  This account receives substantial activity even after the submission season has ended and should be checked at least weekly. Article submissions sent to the account will be forwarded to the Submissions Editor via the gmail account.

NRJ Email Addresses


Email Addresses


Submissions editor

Editors only (no staff)

Library Director/designate and support staff



The gmail account,, handles Scholastica submissions and is for editor communications with authors. Submission requests and other email are sometimes sent to Both accounts receive substantial activity even after the submission season has ended and should be checked at least weekly. Article submissions sent to the account will be forwarded to the Submissions Editor via the gmail account.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.