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Journals Administrative Handbook: Home

Journal Bylaws

Details about board membership, roles, and selection are in each journal's bylaws.

  • NMLR Bylaws
    • Introduction
    • Organization
    • Academic Credit and Disciplinary Procedures
    • Online Presence
    • Editorial Duties and Responsibilities
    • Citation Formatting
    • Amendment Procedure
  • NRJ Bylaws
    • Name
    • Purpose
    • Membership
    • Editorial Board
    • Advisors
    • Amendments

What's in this Guide

Contents of the Journals Administrative Handbook:

Much of this guide tracks the processes followed by the New Mexico Law Review and the Natural Resources Journal. The Tribal Law Journal has historically followed different processes and some of the information in this handbook may not pertain to them.

This Handbook references "Library Director or designate" or "Journals liaison" in various places. Current designate/liaison is Prof. Alexandra Siek, Law Library ( 

This Handbook references "Accountant" in various places. Current Accountant is Anna Martinez, Law Library (

Remember: More Resources can be found on the UNMSOL Intranet.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.