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Journals Administrative Handbook: Journals Suite

Your Suite

The journals suite, located on the lower floor of the Library, is intended as a center for legal scholarship where journals students meet, work, and study. 

There is dedicated work space for each of the three journals as well as single-person desks, conference tables, and a lounge area. 

Trash and Cleaning Up

UNM housekeeping services empty trash bins Monday through Friday and vacuum regularly.

Beyond that, students must take personal responsibility for cleaning up after themselves and straightening the suite. Don’t leave important papers lying around and don’t leave food out.

To report food or drink spills, notify the circulation desk or use the Maintenance Request Form.

Suite Amenities

24/7 Access

Journals students have 24/7 access to the suite. All library users are required to follow after-hours procedures to remain in the library after it closes; students in the suite are not exempt and must exit and re-enter with their classmates.

The suite should never be locked. If it is locked, please let the Library front desk know immediately.


There is a dedicated computer for each journal in the suite. Log on using your law school username and password.

IT has created a SharePoint site for the Journals so each Journal has a place to store their shared documents without needing to use third-party storage sites or USB drives. Each summer, the EICs work with IT (contact info on home page of this Guide) so that the new board and staff are given access to the networked files and the graduating students’ access is removed.

Scanning, Copying & Printing

For scanning, copying, and printing, use the Law School Copy Center or a UNM WEPA Print Station.


Lockers for journal staff are available in the suite. Contact Prof. Alexandra Siek by email to be assigned a locker. You will need to provide your UNM ID #; full name including initials; graduation year; and phone number. The key must be returned to the Lock Shop by graduation or that department will charge a lost key fine. More general information about obtaining keys from the Lock Shop is here, scrolling down to the FAQs section

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.