Remote Classes and Limited Operations: UNMSOL Departments

Bratton Hall

Bratton Hall is locked and the front office is not staffed. Faculty and staff have 24/7 access to the law school building using their front door key.

Technology Support Contacts

Please use general contacts rather than depending on the health and availability of specific individuals.

Zoom Support

TWEN Support


LEARN & Coronavirus

Law IT Help Desk

Faculty Support Team

Email the entire Faculty Support Team (best for urgent requests)

Cheryl Burbank, 277-0609 (supervisor)

Sila Manahane

Emmalee Johnston, 277-7296


Copy Center

The Copy Center will be closed with Ashley being on call if needed. If you absolutely need something printed, something scanned into a digital format for your online class or just some new supplies, please email and Tony will process your request. Please keep in mind that we are trying to avoid large, intensive print jobs if at all possible and that you might have to wait a longer period of time than normal for your job to be completed.  Rather than printing, consider setting up a course TWEN site and using it to make the material available.

Law Library

The Library provides services to all users and permits access to only current students, staff, and faculty.

Until the University returns to a fully operational status, the Library will have a skeleton staff available Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm. 

After 5pm, access the Library through Mountain Wing Door or the After Hours Door using your UNM ID.

For service requests, email

If you remove library materials when the library is unstaffed, send the item's bar code number to Rob Thomas at or

The bar code is located on the inside of the back cover.


If you have received an email from the law library regarding books soon to be due, go to the law library's website at

  1. Click on My Law Library Account (upper right of the screen)
  2. Click on Set/Reset Password
  3. Enter your Banner number (from your UNM ID)

Once the password is set up you can sign in to see what you have checked out and to renew your items. 

Media Services

Media Services will be physically staffed by either Tony or Danny while the other one works remotely from home. They will alternate each week. Their student employees will be on call as needed. During the period of limited operations the doors to the basement hallway will be locked to minimize contact. Should you need our assistance, the best way to reach Media Services is via email at

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.