This guide is a starting point for finding and tracking down court documents, whether they be dockets, filings, briefs, orders, oral arguments, or other materials. This guide is organized by court level; you will want to know in which court the document you're looking for was filed. If you have any questions, please contact the Law Library’s reference desk at (505) 277-0935 or
This research guide contains links to a wide variety of information sources, some of which can be accessed by all researchers, free of charge. However, access rights will vary. Please see the icon located after each resource description for more information.
If you are unable to access a resource due to these limitations, ask your local library about access options.
As a starting point or as a last ditch attempt, you might trying putting a legal citation or docket number into Google. Occasionally, court documents are hosted on third party websites, which Google does a great job of filtering through. It's not perfect, but you might find a brief or a court order tucked away somewhere. If not, please tab through the other pages on this guide for suggestions on finding your document.
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