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Journals Source, Cite, and Write-On Guide: Source & Cite

This guide is to assist prospective and current members of UNMSOL Journal staff with their source-and-cite and Write On assignments.

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Please use this form to request books (and other materials) from other libraries.

On this Page:

This research guide is to help journal staff  find reliable digital versions of documents cited in law review articles so they may check accuracy and citation information.  This is not an exhaustive list of resources, please see a Reference Librarian for additional support.

In this guide:

  1. Hein Online—so many uses!
  2. Finding Sources by Type
  3. Citation Assistance & Examples
  4. Additional Resources
  5. Plagiarism


Check your Journal's Editorial Handbook for specific S&C information.

Finding & Checking Sources

Use HeinOnline to find PDFs of the below:

  • Journal Articles
  • US Congressional Documents
  • US Code
  • US Supreme Court Library
  • Federal Register
  • World Constitutions
  • Code of Federal Regulations
  • Federal Register
  • Statutes & Regulations
  • Treaties (and visit Our Research Guide)


Below is a list of materials you may be looking for paired with the best chance database for finding the material.  Following this list are direct links to the databases, each of which have their own access rules.  For questions please stop by or email the Reference Desk.

  • Books >  Library Catalog
  • Cases > Westlaw
  • Congressional Materials > ProQuest
  • Court Records > Lexis Nexis CourtLink
  • Newspapers > University Libraries Online
  • Scholarly Articles > Hein Online, Journal Storage (Jstor), or Google Scholar
  • US Code and Statutes >  Hein Online

Using the Bluebook for the first time? 

Remember these tips:

  1. Use the Index—it will save you time!
  2. Case citations are similar to ALWD, rules for other sources may vary.
  3. Bluebook's front and back cover have quick reference examples.
  4. Use the rules contained in the white pages and the blue-page tables, not the rules from the blue pages at the beginning.

Note: If you are using this page in the process of completing your Write-On competition, please  remember to reference and abide by the rules and regulations of the competition. 


Plagiarism detection software includes Turnitin, Academic Plagiarism, SafeAssign, and iThenticate. 

Often, the plagarism detection software that legal research databases provide do not check submissions against much (if any) law-related content. It has been reported that plagiarism detection software doesn’t work very well for law schools and that it can be more effective to run manual searches against Lexis/Westlaw/Hein/SSRN/etc.

Please also see the Texas Tech page on plagiarism

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.