There are numerous sets of books in the Law Library that contain specialized legal forms. Most are located on the Law Library's Upper Floor, in the Reference/Treatise Collection.
The following titles contain forms relevant to the topics in the Business Associations course.
From the Westlaw Corporations Practice Area, search or browse Forms or Secondary Sources. The Forms hyperlink takes you to Westlaw's Form Finder page. The practice area page also recommends Featured Publications, a listing of relevant secondary sources available on Westlaw.
From the Lexis Nexis Business & Corporate Law Practice Center page, use the All Business & Corporate Law Forms link to search a collection of forms from topical treatises. Lexis Nexis does not allow you to browse/limit by document type, but the search pages includes robust guidance on making the most of your keyword search.
Also from the Business & Corporate Law Practice Center page, use the Commercial Transactions link in the Practical Guidance box to search Lexis's collection of "smart forms" that can be filled in and downloaded. The collection is not large, but useful examples include: Bylaws, Merger Agreement, and Operating Agreement (LLC). Many of these are Delaware forms.
Westlaw also contains: West's Legal Forms, AmJur Legal Forms, and Williston on Contracts 4th: Forms. Westlaw has its own form generator as well.
Lexis also contains: Forms and Procedures Under the UCC
Stanford Law Transactional Legal Clinic also provides: a collection of forms and precedent legal documents relating to nonprofit organizations.
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