Law Lower Level, KF 6275.99 U54
Law Lower Level, KF 6276.5 A2
Law Upper Level, Shelves 21A and 22A
Law Lower Level, KF6301 A4
Title 26 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
Law Upper Level, Shelf 22A
Standard Federal Tax Reporter
Law Reference/Treatises (upper floor); Law Lower Floor, KF6285.C6S7
Standard Federal Tax Reporter "Advance Sheets" volume
Law Reference/Treatises (upper floor); Law Lower Floor, KF6285.C6S7
Reports of the United States Board of Tax Appeals (1924-1942)
Law Lower Level, KF 6324 A5T2
Reports of the Tax Court of the United States (1943 – 1969)
Law Lower Level, KF 6324 A5T3
Reports of the United States Tax Court (1970 – Present)
Law Lower Level, KF 6324 A5T3
Tax Court Memorandum Decisions (1942 – 2004)
Law Lower Level, KF6324.A5C65
American Federal Tax Reports, 1st Series (1924 - 1958)
Law Lower Floor, KF6280.A2A52
American Federal Tax Reports, 2nd Series (1958 - 2003)
Law Lower Floor, KF6280.A2A52
U.S. Tax Cases (1913 – 2001; 2007 - ) – reports federal court decisions and landmark state court decisions that deal with federal taxation
Law Lower Floor, KF 6324.A6C6
Law Lower Level, KF 6301 A1
Law Lower Level, KF6282.A2C65
Gail Levin Richmond, Federal Tax Research: Guide to Materials and Techniques
Law Reference/Treatises, KF 241 T38R52 2014
Kathryn C. Fitzhugh, "Federal Income Taxation," in Specialized Legal Research (Penny Hazelton, General Ed.)
Law Lower Floor., KF240 S64 1987
Standard Federal Tax Reporter (1986 – 2001; 2008 - ) – includes coverage of federal tax laws, regulations (proposed, temporary and final), and court and agency decisions and rulings.
Law Reference/Treatises (upper floor); Law Lower Floor, KF6285.C6S7
Jacob Rabkin and Mark H. Johnson, Current Legal Forms with Tax Analysis (32 vols.) (continually updated)
Law Reference/Treatises (upper floor), KF 6286 R33
U.S. Master Tax Guide
Law Lower Floor KF6285.C6S722
Tax Management Portfolios - Issued in three major series: U.S. income; Estates, gifts, and trusts; and Foreign income; Includes Portfolio index binder
Law Reference/Treatises (upper floor), KF 6289 A1T35
Boris I. Bittker and Lawrence Lokken, Federal Taxation of Income, Estates, and Gifts
Law Lower Floor, KF 6335 B57 2005
Boris I. Bittker & James S. Eustice, Federal Income Taxation of Corporations & Shareholders
Law Lower Floor, KF 6464 B58 2000
Boris I. Bittker, Meade Emory, William P. Streng, Federal Income Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders: Forms
Law Lower Floor, KF6464.B59 1995
Arthur B. Willis, Partnership Taxation
Law Lower Floor, KF6452.W55 1997
Karen C. Burke, Federal Income Taxation of Partners and Partnerships in a Nutshell
Law Lower Floor, KF 6462 Z9B87 2005
K. McNulty & Daniel J. Lathrope, Federal Income Taxation of Individuals in a Nutshell
Law Lower Floor, KF 6369.3 M3 2004
Boris I. Bittker, Martin J. McMahon, Jr. & Lawrence A. Zelenak, Federal Income Taxation of Individuals
Law Lower Floor, KF 6369 B57 2002
Bruce R. Hopkins, The Law of Tax-Exempt Organizations
Law Lower Floor, KF 6449 H6 2007
State Tax Guide, All States (3 vols.)
Law Lower Floor, KF6750.A6C6
Tax Treaties - Full texts of U.S. treaties with foreign countries covering income and estate taxes ... including annotations and regulations, current reports of new developments and finding lists
Law Lower Floor, KF6306.C62
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