Remote Classes and Limited Operations: Remote, Online, and Blended Pedagogy

Civil Discourse

Tempers can flare online and discussion participants can say harsh words that they wouldn't necessarily say face to face. It's also easy to type something you think is innocuous that is interpreted as hurtful—and the misunderstanding can be hard to clear up if people aren't in the same room. 

UNM Resources for Remote and Blended Teaching

Pedagogy Perspectives

Intentional design is needed to create high-quality online, remote, and blended offerings over the long run. 

Josh Blackman, Thoughts and Tips on Teaching with Zoom, Volokh Conspiracy (March 12, 2020).

Bridget Crawford, Tips for Teaching Law Classes Online in the Event of a COVID-19 Shut Down of Law Schools, Faculty Lounge (March 7, 2020). 

William Fisher, Emergency Online Pegagogy, (March 14, 2020). Thoughtful tips from a professor who has taught online courses for years.

Alex Kumi-Yeboah et al., Online Collaborative Learning Activities: The Perceptions of Culturally Diverse Graduate Students, Online Learning, Dec 2017, at 5-28.

Emily A. Moore, From Passive Viewing to Active Learning: Simple Techniques for Applying Active Learning Strategies to Online Course Videos, Faculty Forum (May 20, 2013).

Christy M. Rhodes & Steven W. Schmidt, Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Online Classroom, eLearn Magazine (Nov. 2018).

Allie Robbins, Thoughts for Law Professors Contemplating Moving to Virtual Classes, The Activist Guide to Passing the Bar Exam (March 10, 2020).

Ellen S. Podgor, Teaching a Live Synchronous Distance Learning Course: A Student Focused Approach, 2006 U. Ill.J. L. Tech & Pol'y 263, SSRN

Angela Upchurch, Practical Tips for Creating Online Videos (January 6, 2016), SSRN

Jan Welker & Lisa Berardino, Successful Practices in Online Teaching, The Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Dec. 2012), SSRN

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